When I feel or fear the absence of another, it shows their presence all the more... http://www.100artworks.today/TheTimeWeHadWeHave.html Listen to the...
A Single Breath of Love Lasts Long into the Night We are side by side as we look skyward at...
Enjoy new music together with an artwork and my thoughts: https://www.100artworks.today/FirstBreath.html Whether a new born or birthday, a spring morning,...
Enjoy new music for piano, voice, cello, and strings: https://www.100artworks.today/TogetherWeMakeNew.html The beauty of the love we give makes the both...
New music accompanies the poem and artworks Do Not End: https://www.donotend.today
Enjoy music, poetry, prose, and soundscapes in a rolling program of aural loveliness. https://www.artlover.radio
A new artwork of two people enveloped by flowers accompanies the music With Love Embrace: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLoveEmbrace.html
New artwork accompanies the music With Life, Love: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLifeLove.html
Darkness: the physical and emotional perception of little or no light. I ponder on times of darkness and its only...
I add a new portrait at 100 Artworks to accompany the music My Homeless Voice. https://100artworks.today/OurHomelessVoice.html
The music 'With Love Embrace' is released along with nine visual artworks that touch upon the emotional force of our...
The sky is full with the gradual, beautiful, and imperceptible change of blue. Of all the deliciously warm summer days...