Darkness: the physical and emotional perception of little or no light.
I ponder on times of darkness and its only remedy, with music and art.
Darkness: the physical and emotional perception of little or no light.
I ponder on times of darkness and its only remedy, with music and art.
I publish 'Forest Fire' and the poem 'Anesthetized' at 100 Artworks: http://www.100artworks.today/ForestFire.html These are darker works that express how humans...
Encyclopedia Utopia is expanded with new entries including an artwork and words about a child's joy in the rain: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/rain-falls
The music 'With Love Embrace' is released along with nine visual artworks that touch upon the emotional force of our...
When art is known by many, a painting, song, or poem for example, I not only experience it emotionally and...
The new artwork 'With And Alone' is presented alongside my collected thoughts. . . . I am one thing in...
The third edition of The Sun Shines is released with new illustrations throughout! The Sun Shines - how the sun...