I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
A poem that ponders on the crises in Ukraine. . . . I disagree We pause Words of silent rage...
A poem and artworks that extend across four domains: .life .love .beauty .today. Do not end This love I give...
As humans fail to make adequate progress in cooperating in their efforts to address climate change at the close of...
I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:...
I create a new poem and artwork in response to the terror of human conflict... https://publicart.world/together.html To kill is to...
Enjoy three new Artscapes that picture the beauty of mist and rainforest at Sky and Cloud: https://skyand.cloud/artscapes