A new artwork at Public Art World shows different views of countless people messaging End This War:
A new artwork at Public Art World shows different views of countless people messaging End This War:
As humans fail to make adequate progress in cooperating in their efforts to address climate change at the close of...
As humans cause appalling harm to one another and the world, I think of Paradise: http://www.publicart.world/paradise.html
Enjoy the new artwork Long Standing Kind Heart with my thoughts: http://www.100artworks.today/LongStandingKindHeart.html Kind: something shared; a group with common characteristics...
I publish 'Forest Fire' and the poem 'Anesthetized' at 100 Artworks: http://www.100artworks.today/ForestFire.html These are darker works that express how humans...
A series of twenty figures lost in their moment of experience, of body and mind, of emotion and spirit. A...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an...