I ponder on how a painting of a house on a hill is art, when the building is not...
I ponder on how a painting of a house on a hill is art, when the building is not...
My new art for a new year 'Future Bound', the poem, and my thoughts... http://www.100artworks.today/FutureBound.html . . . What happens...
A study of oak, ash, and beech after a photograph I took in early summer: http://www.publicart.world/oak-and-early-summer-light.html
New artwork accompanies the music With Life, Love: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLifeLove.html
The brief conversation of two people before their separation: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/the-sadness-of-parting
I watch mining bees emerge from a little hole in the dry earth and hover soundlessly as they go about...
Encyclopedia Utopia is named as a semi-finalist for the Digital Innovation in Art Award 2024! https://art.art/blog/celebrating-innovation-semi-finalists-for-the-digital-innovation-in-art-award-2024 The Jury of the...