Enjoy countless magical birds singing the dawn chorus in a cacophony of light and colour:
Enjoy countless magical birds singing the dawn chorus in a cacophony of light and colour:
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an...
Enjoy countless magical birds singing the dawn chorus in a cacophony of light and colour: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/side-by-side
Enjoy new music for piano, voice, cello, and strings: https://www.100artworks.today/TogetherWeMakeNew.html The beauty of the love we give makes the both...
Enjoy a new poem, music, and art 'Between The Sheets Of Sleep' Awake at 100 Artworks. Awake: the state of...
I ponder on how animals think and feel about human activities. https://www.publicart.world/deer-in-field-of-freshly-cut-barley.html
Enjoy 'Two Dance In Time They Dance As Twenty Two': http://www.publicart.world/two-dance-in-time.html Art of any kind is made from fragments. Small...