The Craft of Art Words

The Craft of Art

A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
December 25, 2023 ~ 1 min read
My Shortest Day Visual Art

My Shortest Day

I look up at the night sky on my shortest day...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
December 21, 2023 ~ 1 min read
A House On A Hill Visual Art

A House On A Hill

I ponder on how a painting of a house on a hill is art, when the building is not...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
December 18, 2023 ~ 1 min read
A Person of Interest Visual Art

A Person of Interest

A visual imagining of the data profile of two people: Even the careful and curious barely touch the surface...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
December 8, 2023 ~ 1 min read
The Cold of Winter Falls Visual Art

The Cold of Winter Falls

As the bitter winds of Arctic winter bite, enjoy a new landscape painting:

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
November 26, 2023 ~ 1 min read
Do Not End Music and Art

Do Not End

New music accompanies the poem and artworks Do Not End:

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
November 16, 2023 ~ 1 min read