A whale and her two calves journey the oceans of the world...
A whale and her two calves journey the oceans of the world...
One hundred butterflies serve to show the beauty of the natural world, and the impact humans have upon it: https://100artworks.today/FewFlyAsOnceUponThisLand.html
A sprawling fable of light for you to ponder and enjoy... http://www.100artworks.today/MetropolisAndTheFruitsOfOurLabour.html Metropolis: from the Ancient Greek for "mother city"....
The music 'With Love Embrace' is released along with nine visual artworks that touch upon the emotional force of our...
A man embraces a woman he loves for the last time... https://www.100artworks.today/BeforeYouLeave.html
A strong woman finds contentment with nature... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/with-you
Enjoy my new artwork 'Round Pegs, Square Holes' at Public Art World: http://www.publicart.world/round-pegs-square-holes.html I ponder on what it is to...