On a wet, dull day, I think of the glass half full: https://publicart.world/bird-with-summer-rain.html
I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:...
Enjoy a new artwork that shares my experience of gazing through leaves with blue sky and sun beyond. https://www.publicart.world/summer-leaves-with-love.html
The beauty of creating art is that it allows me to travel to the ends of the earth without doing...
Gaze at an artwork of two people as they close their eyes to listen to their thoughts and heart... https://www.100artworks.today/OurNighttimePrayer.html
On World Refugee Day, two new artworks accompany the music Sanctuary: 'Seeking Refuge' and 'Harbour Borne'. https://www.un.org/en/observances/refugee-day https://www.100artworks.today/Sanctuary.html Refuge: a...
Five months in the making, enjoy a new piece of music, two short stories, art, and ideas... www.2045.ai Love, leave...
I ponder on how animals think and feel about human activities. https://www.publicart.world/deer-in-field-of-freshly-cut-barley.html
A mother and her three children stand together under the stars. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/beneath-this-dream-of-stars
New artwork accompanies the music With Life, Love: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLifeLove.html
On a wet, dull day, I think of the glass half full: https://publicart.world/bird-with-summer-rain.html
As humans fail to make adequate progress in cooperating in their efforts to address climate change at the close of...