Far from the wars that rage, we belong... https://publicart.world/belonging.html
An ostrich paints a portrait of the first day they met with love: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/when-first-we-met
To mark an update of my personal site, enjoy the new self-portrait 'The Nature of My Life', a reflection on...
Water falls from high cliff tops to the sea below: https://skyand.cloud/artscapes
A Single Breath of Love Lasts Long into the Night We are side by side as we look skyward at...
Love is the water of my life. When it runs dry, when I do not seek or nurture it, I...
As humans cause appalling harm to one another and the world, I think of Paradise: http://www.publicart.world/paradise.html
Looking My Best A gorgeous white peacock considers the nature of beauty: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/looking-my-best
I use magical and mysterious schematics to ponder on the nature of artificial consciousness: https://www.2045.ai/the-minds-eye
A visual imagining of the data profile of two people: https://www.publicart.world/a-person-of-interest.html Even the careful and curious barely touch the surface...
In some traditions, a crown made from aspen leaves gives its wearer the power to visit and return safely from...
A poem that distils the importance of my experience of life as a single breath with those I love. http://www.publicart.world/bird-to-sky-poem.html