I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
A Single Breath of Love Lasts Long into the Night We are side by side as we look skyward at...
Enjoy my study of water, both beautiful and fierce... https://www.publicart.world/the-rush-of-water-artwork.html
The beauty of creating art is that it allows me to travel to the ends of the earth without doing...
I add a new portrait at 100 Artworks to accompany the music My Homeless Voice. https://100artworks.today/OurHomelessVoice.html
The sky is full with cloud most days around my home in southern England. Here I create an artwork of...
Enjoy the music and art 'Asleep We Fall' together with my thoughts: http://www.100artworks.today/AsleepWeFall.html I can be asleep to the needs...