I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an unfamiliar and uncertain journey...
I watch mining bees emerge from a little hole in the dry earth and hover soundlessly as they go about...
One hundred butterflies serve to show the beauty of the natural world, and the impact humans have upon it: https://100artworks.today/FewFlyAsOnceUponThisLand.html
Enjoy the beauty of an English woodland in mid-winter: https://www.publicart.world/all-is-light.html
The Last Rose of Summer ponders on a change of season and those things that touch us closely: https://www.publicart.world/the-last-rose-of-summer.html
A short poem 'To Love' Before. Now. After. Work. At play. The all of anything. Of everything. With weight. Alone....
A new artwork reflects on how in hardship and war the vulnerable are our greatest gift: https://www.publicart.world/those-most-vulnerable-disappear.html