A strong woman finds contentment with nature...
A strong woman finds contentment with nature...
I use magical and mysterious schematics to ponder on the nature of artificial consciousness: https://www.2045.ai/the-minds-eye
On a wet, dull day, I think of the glass half full: https://publicart.world/bird-with-summer-rain.html
A new artwork reflects on how in hardship and war the vulnerable are our greatest gift: https://www.publicart.world/those-most-vulnerable-disappear.html
'Twenty Flowers For The Future', a new collection of artworks at 2045 ai that focus on the decline and hope...
Enjoy a new poem, music, and art 'Between The Sheets Of Sleep' Awake at 100 Artworks. Awake: the state of...
A strong woman finds contentment with nature... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/with-you