The World Before And After Visual Art

The World Before And After

View the painting and my studies at 100 Artworks. A new artwork, poem, and my thoughts touch on the symmetry...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
May 3, 2021 ~ 1 min read
City Life Photography

City Life

Your Voice, Our World Enjoy more content at Public Art World including two three line poems 'Your Voice', and 'Our...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
April 30, 2021 ~ 1 min read
Rabbit Hole Visual Art

Rabbit Hole

I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
April 26, 2021 ~ 1 min read
The Sun Shines Words

The Sun Shines

The second edition of The Sun Shines is published at 100 Artworks and Public Art World, with all new artworks,...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
April 9, 2021 ~ 1 min read
The New Me Visual Art

The New Me

The image of a human skull is often viewed of negatively, however with this artwork I ponder on its vibrancy...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
March 19, 2021 ~ 1 min read
To Love Words

To Love

A short poem 'To Love' Before. Now. After. Work. At play. The all of anything. Of everything. With weight. Alone....

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
March 14, 2021 ~ 1 min read