Time's Mystery Visual Art

Time's Mystery

Every year I publish a new work to celebrate my birthday. I ponder on how humans value the age of...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
September 29, 2021 ~ 1 min read
The Kiss of Autumn Night Music and Art

The Kiss of Autumn Night

The Kiss of Autumn Night is released for piano and orchestra on this day of autumn equinox. I share my...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
September 22, 2021 ~ 1 min read
Cloud Cover Visual Art

Cloud Cover

The sky is full with cloud most days around my home in southern England. Here I create an artwork of...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
August 21, 2021 ~ 1 min read
A Common Land Words

A Common Land

When art is known by many, a painting, song, or poem for example, I not only experience it emotionally and...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
August 18, 2021 ~ 1 min read
With And Alone Words

With And Alone

The new artwork 'With And Alone' is presented alongside my collected thoughts. . . . I am one thing in...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
August 1, 2021 ~ 1 min read
Look Out Upon The Ocean Floor Visual Art

Look Out Upon The Ocean Floor

Shipwrecks, the waste of human conflict, and the remains of discovery lay scattered on the sea bed, entombed. I ponder...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
July 19, 2021 ~ 1 min read