I publish a new portrait full with texture and mystery. An unconscious expression of my uncertainty...
I publish a new portrait full with texture and mystery. An unconscious expression of my uncertainty...
A whale and her two calves journey the oceans of the world... https://www.publicart.world/the-ocean-loved.html
In some traditions, a crown made from aspen leaves gives its wearer the power to visit and return safely from...
If art has any value, it is to change us in some way. Most often our change, as with all...
A new artwork at Public Art World shows different views of countless people messaging End This War: http://www.publicart.world/message-end-this-war.html
A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about...
When art is known by many, a painting, song, or poem for example, I not only experience it emotionally and...