As humans fail to make adequate progress in cooperating in their efforts to address climate change at the close of Cop 26, I create two images that ponder on this time of earth as the end of our beginning.
As humans fail to make adequate progress in cooperating in their efforts to address climate change at the close of Cop 26, I create two images that ponder on this time of earth as the end of our beginning.
I create a new painting for winter solstice to celebrate the beauty of nature. The tone and style of the...
A poem that distils the importance of my experience of life as a single breath with those I love.
A whale and her two calves journey the oceans of the world...
There is no sign of who has lost their lives. All we know for certain is that each life had...
I add a new portrait at 100 Artworks to accompany the music My Homeless Voice.
Water falls from high cliff tops to the sea below: