I describe the frailty, fear, and weakness of those who wage war:
I describe the frailty, fear, and weakness of those who wage war:
Enjoy the music and art 'Asleep We Fall' together with my thoughts: http://www.100artworks.today/AsleepWeFall.html I can be asleep to the needs...
On a wet, dull day, I think of the glass half full: https://publicart.world/bird-with-summer-rain.html
The third edition of The Sun Shines is released with new illustrations throughout! The Sun Shines - how the sun...
Enjoy a row of wild flowers in a secret garden: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/the-flowers-we-give
A poem that ponders on the crises in Ukraine. . . . I disagree We pause Words of silent rage...
Enjoy a colourful abstract artwork that accompanies an extract from With And Alone that ponders on the nature of time,...