Enjoy Winter Flowers, a new painting that will feature in a short story for children and adults that I plan to publish on 1st January 2025.
Enjoy Winter Flowers, a new painting that will feature in a short story for children and adults that I plan to publish on 1st January 2025.
A cormorant flies ahead of a crashing wave that chases its tale under a dramatic sky: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/ahead-of-the-wave
Along with three other new works at Encyclopedia Utopia, four woman care for one another, and their love within: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/within-our-love
I publish 'Forest Fire' and the poem 'Anesthetized' at 100 Artworks: http://www.100artworks.today/ForestFire.html These are darker works that express how humans...
The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about...
Four figures embrace, three with their eyes closed. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/i-want-to-see Of around two million species of life on earth, around one...
One hundred butterflies serve to show the beauty of the natural world, and the impact humans have upon it: https://100artworks.today/FewFlyAsOnceUponThisLand.html