A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about the nature and practice of art...
A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about the nature and practice of art...
Along with three other new works at Encyclopedia Utopia, four woman care for one another, and their love within: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/within-our-love
Imagine a garden has a voice and tells of how it grows... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/a-garden-grows
The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about...
I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:...
A new artwork of two people enveloped by flowers accompanies the music With Love Embrace: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLoveEmbrace.html
I think of a new born who searches for the same that we all search for: trust and love. We...