Why I Do What I Do
One person's purpose creating art. Ways of thinking about the making of music, painting, poetry, and more.
Why I Do What I Do
One person's purpose creating art. Ways of thinking about the making of music, painting, poetry, and more.
A new artwork of two people enveloped by flowers accompanies the music With Love Embrace: https://www.100artworks.today/WithLoveEmbrace.html
Enjoy new music together with an artwork and my thoughts: https://www.100artworks.today/FirstBreath.html Whether a new born or birthday, a spring morning,...
Enjoy three new Artscapes that picture the beauty of mist and rainforest at Sky and Cloud: https://skyand.cloud/artscapes
The second edition of The Sun Shines is published at 100 Artworks and Public Art World, with all new artworks,...
As a new year begins enjoy the portrait Be Kind This Day at 100 Artworks, one of many that I...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an...