I write about why and how Encyclopedia Utopia is made:
I write about why and how Encyclopedia Utopia is made:
My new art for a new year 'Future Bound', the poem, and my thoughts... http://www.100artworks.today/FutureBound.html . . . What happens...
With the artwork 'Two Sides Of The Same Coin' I ponder on how so often there are two opposing forces...
An artwork and words about a butterfly's release... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/you-set-me-free
Enjoy new music together with an artwork and my thoughts: https://www.100artworks.today/FirstBreath.html Whether a new born or birthday, a spring morning,...
I add a new portrait at 100 Artworks to accompany the music My Homeless Voice. https://100artworks.today/OurHomelessVoice.html
A strong woman finds contentment with nature... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/with-you