I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:
I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:
Five months in the making, enjoy a new piece of music, two short stories, art, and ideas... www.2045.ai Love, leave...
Enjoy my study of water, both beautiful and fierce... https://www.publicart.world/the-rush-of-water-artwork.html
I add a new portrait at 100 Artworks to accompany the music My Homeless Voice. https://100artworks.today/OurHomelessVoice.html
A new artwork reflects on how in hardship and war the vulnerable are our greatest gift: https://www.publicart.world/those-most-vulnerable-disappear.html
A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/waiting-for-the-moon
Saplings line the water's edge with the dapple of early morning light and spring blossom. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/as-life-begins