I create six new artscapes that present the power and force of change as our world begins to head towards a two degree change in temperature as compared with pre-industrial levels:
I create six new artscapes that present the power and force of change as our world begins to head towards a two degree change in temperature as compared with pre-industrial levels:
Enjoy the music and art 'Asleep We Fall' together with my thoughts: http://www.100artworks.today/AsleepWeFall.html I can be asleep to the needs...
Gaze at an artwork of two people as they close their eyes to listen to their thoughts and heart... https://www.100artworks.today/OurNighttimePrayer.html
Winter Blossom, an unlikely scene that reminds me of how, despite the cold that surrounds me, the promise of spring...
Enjoy the vibrant images of peacocks, a distant relative of the pheasant which is common in the fields around my...
A mother and her three children stand together under the stars. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/beneath-this-dream-of-stars
A strong woman finds contentment with nature... https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/with-you