A new artwork reflects on how in hardship and war the vulnerable are our greatest gift:
A new artwork reflects on how in hardship and war the vulnerable are our greatest gift:
After completing the website design I begin to populate 500 Portraits that will form One Me · One Family. A...
Enjoy the music and art 'Asleep We Fall' together with my thoughts: http://www.100artworks.today/AsleepWeFall.html I can be asleep to the needs...
Enjoy this precursor to my project about the future that will include music, short stories, and art. Among the emerald,...
The music and art 'Breathe' support The Rights of Living Things, a declaration of principles of how to care for...
Enjoy my study of water, both beautiful and fierce... https://www.publicart.world/the-rush-of-water-artwork.html
Darkness: the physical and emotional perception of little or no light. I ponder on times of darkness and its only...