The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about...
Along with three other new works at Encyclopedia Utopia, four woman care for one another, and their love within:
A new artscape of cloud and canyon is published at Sky and Cloud.
Depicting violence in a way that children can consider its harm without feeling threatened is challenging. In this artwork some...
Far from the wars that rage, we belong...
An ostrich paints a portrait of the first day they met with love:
We forget easily so our lives are not overwhelmed with joy and sadness from the past. This artwork presents three...
A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about...
A study of oak, ash, and beech after a photograph I took in early summer:
If art has any value, it is to change us in some way. Most often our change, as with all...
Fragments of vibrant light show our sharing under the sun:
When art is known by many, a painting, song, or poem for example, I not only experience it emotionally and...