The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about...
Along with three other new works at Encyclopedia Utopia, four woman care for one another, and their love within:
A new artscape of cloud and canyon is published at Sky and Cloud.
Depicting violence in a way that children can consider its harm without feeling threatened is challenging. In this artwork some...
Far from the wars that rage, we belong...
An ostrich paints a portrait of the first day they met with love:
Enjoy new music for piano, voice, cello, and strings: The beauty of the love we give makes the both...
I use magical and mysterious schematics to ponder on the nature of artificial consciousness:
As the eye scatters its gaze across the canvas I ask the question is this a painting? Public Art World...
A man embraces a woman he loves for the last time...
Beauty is often aligned with my experience of what makes something unique, whether a flower, place, or person...
With the addition of three new categories including my selected artscapes, the foundation of Sky and Cloud is now complete:...