The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about living well together:
The new artwork 'Our World Alive' is featured on the newly updated site that is home to a declaration about living well together:
The prospect of eternal youth would not fulfill my need to grow, or my need to understand what it is...
I use the familiar childhood reference in Alice and Wonderland and consider what it is to loose oneself in an...
A cormorant flies ahead of a crashing wave that chases its tale under a dramatic sky:
I ponder on how a painting of a house on a hill is art, when the building is not...
Enjoy my study of water, both beautiful and fierce...
On World Refugee Day, two new artworks accompany the music Sanctuary: 'Seeking Refuge' and 'Harbour Borne'. Refuge: a...