A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark.
A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark.
A poem that ponders on the crises in Ukraine. . . . I disagree We pause Words of silent rage...
My thoughts in sound, light, and words about experiencing the movement of one's self as it shifts towards a state...
If art has any value, it is to change us in some way. Most often our change, as with all...
An ostrich paints a portrait of the first day they met with love: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/when-first-we-met
One hundred butterflies serve to show the beauty of the natural world, and the impact humans have upon it: https://100artworks.today/FewFlyAsOnceUponThisLand.html
Water falls from high cliff tops to the sea below: https://skyand.cloud/artscapes