A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark.
A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark.
The sky is full with the gradual, beautiful, and imperceptible change of blue. Of all the deliciously warm summer days...
On a wet, dull day, I think of the glass half full: https://publicart.world/bird-with-summer-rain.html
A group stand waiting for the moon to pass in front of the sun that will soon turn dark. https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/waiting-for-the-moon
'Fly Paper', a new artwork, poem, and my thoughts are published at 100 Artworks. As a child I was repelled...
With the addition of three new categories including my selected artscapes, the foundation of Sky and Cloud is now complete:...
My thoughts in sound, light, and words about experiencing the movement of one's self as it shifts towards a state...