A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about the nature and practice of art...
A gift for everyone who enjoys music, art, literature, dance, photography, and more. I publish my thoughts and ideas about the nature and practice of art...
A beautiful animal with ancestors going back eight million years, enjoy this magical realist artwork of a giraffe: https://www.publicart.world/grace-at-night-under-the-stars.html
I publish a new abstract artwork with an accompanying poem, and my thoughts about what it is to gaze through...
A new artwork at Public Art World shows different views of countless people messaging End This War: http://www.publicart.world/message-end-this-war.html
A sprawling fable of light for you to ponder and enjoy... http://www.100artworks.today/MetropolisAndTheFruitsOfOurLabour.html Metropolis: from the Ancient Greek for "mother city"....
An ostrich paints a portrait of the first day they met with love: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/when-first-we-met
The brief conversation of two people before their separation: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/the-sadness-of-parting