I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:
I ponder on how those who are youngest carry the most weight and consequence of human harm to the world:
I watch mining bees emerge from a little hole in the dry earth and hover soundlessly as they go about...
A short poem 'To Love' Before. Now. After. Work. At play. The all of anything. Of everything. With weight. Alone....
I write about why and how Encyclopedia Utopia is made: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/the-making-of-encyclopedia-utopia
New music accompanies the poem and artworks Do Not End: https://www.donotend.today
Fragments of vibrant light show our sharing under the sun: https://www.encyclopediautopia.world/from-grain-we-grow
Enjoy Winter Flowers, a new painting that will feature in a short story for children and adults that I plan...