
Below you find all articles that belong to this category

A Common Land Words

A Common Land

When art is known by many, a painting, song, or poem for example, I not only experience it emotionally and...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
August 18, 2021 ~ 1 min read
With And Alone Words

With And Alone

The new artwork 'With And Alone' is presented alongside my collected thoughts. . . . I am one thing in...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
August 1, 2021 ~ 1 min read
Do I Mind Words

Do I Mind

From the poem Do I Mind at Public Art World: . . . This all we are, I sense this...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
June 19, 2021 ~ 1 min read
The Sun Shines Words

The Sun Shines

The second edition of The Sun Shines is published at 100 Artworks and Public Art World, with all new artworks,...

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
April 9, 2021 ~ 1 min read
To Love Words

To Love

A short poem 'To Love' Before. Now. After. Work. At play. The all of anything. Of everything. With weight. Alone....

Mike de Sousa
Mike de Sousa
March 14, 2021 ~ 1 min read